Vertical Grow Systems: 4 Incredible Ways They Improve Your Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Efforts

vertical grow system with grower tending to plants

4 Brilliant Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line by Growing Cannabis With Vertical Grow Systems

Vertical farming is the farming practice of growing crops on vertical grow systems in the form of vertically stacked layers. The cultivation method leverages technology to grow crops efficiently in a controlled environment. 

This cultivation approach has numerous advantages, such as increased and consistent quality yields, high productivity per square foot, and increased worker safety. 

Moreover, with the ability to build vertical farms anywhere, whether in a warehouse or skyscraper, grow ops can lower production costs like transportation and storage of plant material, thus increasing profits. 

What Are Vertical Grow Systems?Cannabis plants on grow racks using vertical growing systems for indoor cultivation. vertical farming equipment USA. rolling shelving. indoor grow systems.

Vertical grow systems are shelvings made of steel where cannabis plants are grown on hydroponic trays. The systems aim to maximize available grow space, both vertically and horizontally, thus ensuring maximum use of every square foot of grow space.

Vertical grow systems come in various designs ranging from static/stationary units to mobile units that can be moved back and fourth. They also can come as standalone units that sit atop caster wheels

Vertical grow racks are a space-saving solution made of high-density steel which can host multiple tiers of cannabis plants. These versatile systems are designed to help you easily integrate your LED grow lights and irrigation system.

The mobile carriages, equipped with flange wheels and aluminum shaft, sit on a bar track that allow you to move the carriage seamlessly within your grow room. These vertical grow systems allow you to save 50% more space by eliminating static aisles.

Another option is our tabletop caster units. These units are ideal for an at- home or midsize grow op. The units sit on caster wheels, allowing you to move the systems from room to room.

At MMI Agriculture, we offer vertical grow systems at affordable prices in all states cannabis is legal, like Washington DC, California, Virginia, Vermont, and Nevada. 

5 Benefits of Growing Cannabis Using Vertical Grow Systems

1. Vertical Grow Systems Reduce Waste vertical growing systems for cannabis and hemp cultivation USA. plant racks indoor. grow trays. indoor vertical farming.

Water is increasingly becoming a scarce resource worldwide due to global warming. Notably, agriculture accounts for 70% of global water use yearly, a significant contributor to water scarcity.

However, vertical farming introduces technological leverage to counter this narrative. Vertical grow systems help save up to 95% water compared to conventional farming. There are various methods that can be used including hydroponics, aeroponics, or aquaponics 

The cultivation methods have water circulating in a closed loop, ensuring nothing is wasted. Even evaporating water from leaves is caught by dehumidifiers, which can also be reused.

Additionally, the cannabis plants are planted indoors, which necessitates creating a controlled environment, reducing the need to use pesticides as pests are easily kept at bay.

Moreover, the crops are planted in urban centers where the consumers are, lowering transportation costs and managing associated CO2 emissions. Likewise, there’s a reduced need for refrigeration storage, making the produce fresher and more profitable.

2. Vertical Grow Systems Increase Output/Yield

Indoor cultivation allows for highly controlled environmental conditions for the plants. In addition, the nutrient solution used with hydroponic cultivation can be adjusted to provide the ideal conditions for fast-growing crops and high-quality buds. 

Unlike growing outdoors in soil, indoor growing on vertical grow systems utilizes hydroponic trays where you provide a nutrient solution for the plants. The solution can be measured for nutrient concentration and pH, which you can adjust to benefit your cannabis plants. One way to ensure optimum conditions is to incorporate an automated dosing system that monitors nutrient and PH levels.

In addition, commercial cannabis growers practice controlled environment agriculture (or CEA) to grow cannabis plants year-round. CEA controls the grow room’s lighting, humidity, temperature, and air circulation. This means you can comfortably plant indoors uninterrupted regardless of external conditions, whether summer, winter, or autumn.  

Again,  you can run your indoor farm like a manufacturing plant churning out large loads of cannabis produce. This is in light of the increased number of plants per square foot through vertical grow systems and a year-round planting season.

3. Vertical Grow Systems Reduce Destruction by Pests, Weeds, and Diseases

Weeds compete with the nutrients your plants need to grow into healthy shoots. With vertical grow systems, you don’t have to grow on soil, reducing the chances of dormant seeds within the grow medium sprouting. The hydroponic systems used in indoor systems use a liquid grow medium that can’t harbor weeds with proper maintenance and sanitation of the irrigation system. 

Likewise, the liquid grow medium also reduces the risk of plants contracting soil-borne pests, which may impact the health and yields of the plants. Although the hydroponic systems may carry waterborne diseases, you can manage the situation with careful monitoring.

Furthermore, the enclosed indoor system keeps pests away as the growing space is constantly cleaned before farming begins. The vertical grow systems are made of steel, making the conditions unbearable for pathogens or pests to thrive or hide.

In a nutshell, the vertical grow systems help reduce the need for herbicides and pesticides harmful to humans. Equally, this promotes an organic approach to farming, improving the quality of yields produced.

4. Vertical Grow Systems Promote Low Labor Costs and Increased Safety

The CEA technology used with indoor vertical grow systems brings in an aspect of automation. The temperature, humidity, and airflow equipment are easily managed using controllers that automatically regulate conditions within the grow space.

This allows your workers to focus on vital parameters such as monitoring plant health and ensuring optimal yields.

Moreover, with indoor vertical farming, your workers are safe from injuries associated with heavy cultivation equipment, increasing productivity. 

Notable advancements in the vertical farming space have pioneered key inventions like the retractable elevated decking to enhance worker safety and productivity. 

Our vertical grow equipment, upon request, can be equipped with our retractable elevated decking. The elevated decking helps your workers comfortably and safely access crops on higher elevations during harvesting or inspection. This means your workers don’t have to strain reaching for the upper shelving or to have to balance on a ladder or scaffolding. Once you are done with the elevated decking, it easily retracts into the vertical grow system.

Are Vertical Grow Systems the Future of Agriculture?

As the global population gradually increases and key resources such as water and arable land dwindle, the demand for innovations in critical sectors like agriculture is growing. Vertical farming is a technology-based agricultural solution that solves the issue of limited arable land and water. The technology uses up to 95% less water than conventional cultivation and utilizes more than 200% of a square area of land by leveraging vertical grow systems.

MMI Agriculture is a vertical grow systems provider and installation company with experience in vertical farming technology. We provide our clients with customized vertical growing systems, including mobile carriages, vertical grow racks and tabletop caster units.

Our products are made with 14-gauge steel to ensure durability, a smooth transition, and sustainability in the vertical growing space.

Furthermore, we offer unique services such as capacity evaluations and free floor plans to set you up for success in commercial cannabis cultivation. Contact us today for a quote.

Everything You Need to Know About How To Grow Cannabis Vertically

Grodan blocks on MMI vertical racks

4 Unbeatable Techniques to Successfully Grow Cannabis Vertically

Read this simple guide to learn how to grow cannabis vertically.

Cannabis cultivation can be costly, with high real estate expenses, significant energy bills, and a lot of time and effort required to maintain a successful farm. However, a cannabis farm can be profitable by maximizing profits and carefully managing costs.

Horizontal marijuana growing is the classic approach to developing the plant. It involves growing plants side by side, usually underneath old-fashioned sodium lights.

Systems that allow you to grow cannabis vertically ensure that growers produce more cannabis with less space, making them ideal for small-scale operations. However, this is not the case anymore. Growing cannabis vertically has become the norm today.

Vertical cannabis grow systems are becoming increasingly popular among indoor growers. These systems allow growers to produce more cannabis with less space, making them ideal for commercial operations. Several types of vertical grow systems are available on the market, so growers can choose the one that best suits their needs.

If you’re thinking about switching to a vertical grow system, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

What Does It Mean to Grow Cannabis Vertically?Cannabis plants on vertical grow racks in an indoor vertical farming grow house. grow cannabis vertically with grow racks from MMI Agriculture.

As the cannabis industry continues to grow, so does the demand for innovative growing methods. Vertical cannabis growing is a new method of cultivation that is becoming increasingly popular among growers. This method involves growing cannabis plants in vertically stacked layers, allowing higher yields and easier maintenance.

Vertical cannabis growth is a great way to maximize your space and yield. 

By stacking multiple square or hexagonal shelves around a central light source, you can create a large, productive growing area without taking up much space. This setup also allows easy access to all parts of the plant, making it ideal for growers who want to keep a close eye on their crop.

Growing cannabis vertically helps you utilize the square footage of your grow room. Not to mention, vertical gardens are simply beautiful to look at.

How to Grow Cannabis Vertically

Are you interested in starting your vertical cannabis farm? If so, there are a few things you need to do to get started.

Step 1: Choose Your Vertical Grow SystemVertical grow rack system for growing cannabis vertically from MMI Agriculture USA. Buy vertical grow racks online.

If you’re looking to grow cannabis vertically, one great way to start is with a vertical grow system, also known as vertical racking or simply “racks.” Racks are a great way to save space while still being able to produce a sizable amount of cannabis.

One of the great things about racks is that they can easily be customized to fit your growing needs. 

If you are a medium-sized enterprise, our tabletop caster units would be a useful vertical system. On the other hand, if going all out in a warehouse or skyscraper, our customized mobile carriages or vertical grow racks should help you make the most of every square inch of your grow space.

When looking for a vertical system for your indoor grow room, it’s essential to consider a few key factors. Check the rigidity of the systems as they should carry the weight of plants, lighting and irrigation equipment, and even your workers. Moreover, the systems should allow for a good clearance between the canopies and lighting for healthy plants and quality yields.

Step 2: Select Your Lighting Systemcannabis growing vertically under LED lighting systems. indoor grow systems. rolling shelving for vertical farming.

When it comes to growing healthy plants, the light you use is essential. White light, also known as broad spectrum light, is excellent for general growth when growing cannabis vertically. However, pink spectrum light is ideal if you want to encourage blooming and flowering.

The most important thing is to match your light levels to your plant’s needs for optimal growth. Just as too little light will prevent your plants from reaching their full potential, providing the right light intensity can ensure that your plants will be healthy and vibrant.

Moreover, you need to understand the type of light you need for your indoor operation. There are three common types of lights used in indoor cannabis grow rooms.

  • LED lights. They are preferred in vertical growing for their low energy requirements. In addition, you can provide a variety of light spectrums for your cannabis plants as needed.
  • HID lights. They are preferred for their high intensity. However, this becomes an issue with vertical systems due to the close proximity of the lighting and plants; the plants might end up scotched, lowering the bud quality.

Step 3: Choose Your Environment Controlsindoor vertical farming technology for cannabis and hemp. indoor grow systems for cannabis cultivation. plant racks indoor.

Regarding indoor gardening, there are several options for heating and cooling your plants. Depending on your climate and the time of year, you may need to adjust the temperature in your grow room to ensure that your plants are comfortable.

You can heat or cool your grow room in a few different ways.

  • Use a space heater or an air conditioner: Using a space heater or air conditioner is the most effective way to regulate the temperature in your grow space and can help you avoid any drastic fluctuations that could harm your plants.
  • Use a fan to circulate the air and help regulate the temperature:  One of the most important things you can do to regulate the temperature in your marijuana farm is to use a fan. By circulating the air, you can help keep the temperature consistent, which is essential for healthy plants.

When growing cannabis vertically, airflow is important. Good airflow helps to keep the plants healthy and free of mold and mildew. High humidity can lead to increased temperatures, which can be damaging to the plants.

Step 4: Pick a Production MethodInspecting a cannabis bud. vertical shelving for vertical farming. plant rack indoor. grow trays for indoor vertical cannabis grow.

One of the benefits of growing cannabis vertically is that you can save space by utilizing your overhead space. However, this also means that the space in your farm system is limited. To make the most of the area in your system, you’ll want to keep your plants short.

Think of your grow system as a manufacturing facility. The faster you can produce your product, the more valuable you become. Speed becomes even more critical when you can make twice the product you were before.

By using automation, you can speed up your process and get your product to market faster.

Tips On How To Grow Cannabis Vertically

If you want to grow cannabis but don’t have a lot of space, you can try vertical cannabis growing. Here are some tips for vertical cannabis growing:

1. Choose the Right Strain

You’ll want to choose a strain that is best suited for the space you have available. If you want to maximize your space and grow as many plants as possible, you’ll want to choose a strain that has a relatively shorter canopy. You can opt for the fast-growing auto-flowering cannabis seeds or light-sensitive photoperiod seeds.

2. Plan Your Grow Room Properly

As a grower, you want to maximize your yield and pack as many plants into a room as possible. But it would be best if you did not forget that the room also needs to be functional for you. After all, you’ll be spending a lot of time there!

Some things to consider when planning your grow room:

  • Installation: When planning your grow room, it’s important to consider the installation process of your vertical marijuana grow system. You’ll need to ensure you have enough space for the system and any other equipment you might need. Additionally, you’ll want to consider the height of your ceilings and the amount of light your grow room will need.
  • Floor plans: These plans are important for your vertical cannabis to grow room. Having a well-designed floor plan can maximize utilization of the available grow space. 
  • Capacity evaluation: When planning your vertical cannabis grow room, it’s important to have a capacity evaluation. How many plants do you want to grow? How much space do you have to work with? What kind of equipment do you need?  Answering these questions will help you determine how to set up your grow room and align your business plan. 

3. Keep Your Watering System Clean

It’s essential to keep your automated watering system’s reservoirs and pipes clean to avoid the risk of salt build-up and the formation of bacteria. Doing so will help keep your plants healthy and your system working correctly. Here are a few tips on how to clean your system’s components:

  • Drain the reservoir and rinse it out with fresh water.
  • Flush the pipes with fresh water.
  • If you notice any build-up of salt or bacteria, clean the affected area with a vinegar solution.

4. Create Better Yields With MMI Solutions

If you’re looking to produce top-quality cannabis, then you’ll need to invest in a cutting-edge vertical grow system. These systems support your plants and help them reach their full potential. Providing the right environment and support ensures that your plants will thrive and produce high-quality cannabis buds.

At MMI Agriculture Solutions, we take pride in offering top-notch systems if you want to grow cannabis vertically. We have a wide range of options so that you can find the perfect design for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a small vertical system for personal use or an extensive system for commercial production, we have you covered. Contact us today for a quote.